
Hello, I am an Invited Assistant Professor at NOVA Information Management School, in Lisbon, Portugal. I have recently obtained a PhD in Information Management from this same university, during which I have worked with Professor Fernando Bação on synthetic data generation, focused on Imbalanced Learning and Active Learning, with applications on Land Use/Land Cover classification tasks. My PhD was funded with an MIT Portugal PhD Grant (2020 FCT-MPP2030). Recently, I also worked as a Research Intern at New York University, Tandon School of Engineering, at the Center for Responsible AI, collaborating with Professor Julia Stoyanovich on multi-agent Algorithmic Recourse over time, with whom I continue to collaborate on different research projects.

In the past, I conducted research on Land Use/Land Cover classification methods to automatically update LULC maps of the Portuguese mainland. My work included the development of pipelines to systematize the preprocessing of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery for any given period of time. I also developed and deployed different types of algorithms for various tasks, such as data filtering, dimensionality reduction, feature extraction and classification.

I was also a volunteer at DSSG Solve, where I integrated a team of 4 data scientists. Our project focused on leveraging Twitter discourse to characterize narratives and identify unmet needs in response to Cyclone Amphan, which affected 18 million people around the bay of Bengal in May 2020.

My previous work focused on the study of the potential of Big data in tourism management, at NOVA School of Business and Economics. Before that, I completed my Msc in Information Management at NOVA Information Management School. I also completed a Msc in Management at NOVA School of Business and Economics.